Tuesday, October 8, 2013

That Was A Good Tuesday.

Finally woke up a little late for class today, it was bound to happen sooner or later. Still made it on time but I missed breakfast at the dorms. In german class we had a quick vocab quiz and went on with class. For Understanding Austria today, we took a field trip to the ORF which is the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation. On the walk there, we stopped at the University of Salzburg for lunch and checked out the campus a little bit. The architecture of the University is amazing and is all glass. We went to the roof where all the students can hang out and they have an amazing view! Then we continued on our way to the ORF. during our tour we got to see where they filmed the news, where they broadcasted the live weather and traffic reports, the television garden outside and so much more. We even got to stand in while the lady gave the live traffic report!

After our tour was over, we made our way back towards the college. I already had all my things with me so I ventured off by myself to the Starbucks in town. :) Got myself a fantastic coffee as always and used their wifi since the wifi is not connecting with my phone anymore at the dorm. No iMessage, no instagram, no snapchat, no weather update, no vines....how will I survive. Haha.

Although today was a good tuesday, my highlight was just before. I finally booked my plane ticket from Barcelona to Paris for the independent travel period. I almost have that whole 2 weeks planned out and booked! I can hardly wait...Vienna to Florence to Rome (where I will see Kill the Noise) to Barcelona to Paris (where I will be for Halloween) and then back to Salzburg all in 14 days and with one backpack! I warn you now that those blogs will probably be very extensive.
Also, we were told that we will receive our schedules for the next block by the end of this weekend which is when I will finally be in my photo classes..more things to look forward too! :D


  1. Cheryl:

    Look forward to those blogs from your independent travel period! Take loads of pictures...have fun and be safe! Love you, Mom

  2. Me too, haven't decided if I'll take my computer yet though...and you know there will be too many photos to even count! I can't wait. Love you so much and I will update again tomorrow probably. Too tired now. Night ma!
    Love, Cheryl
